Here at Wolf Creek Portable Piping Products, we’re always looking for ways to make our customers’ lives easier. One of our most popular products, the Warhammer multi-purpose tool, is designed to do just that. 

Fabricated out of high tensile strength steel, the Warhammer is a reliable, versatile tool made specifically for connecting and disassembling pipe fittings. Whether your team is out in the field setting up or tearing down portable piping, the Warhammer will help them get the job done quickly and effectively. 

So, what makes this tool such a must-have? Check out these three great reasons to arm your team with Wolf Creek’s Warhammer multi-purpose tool: 

#1: Improve productivity 

Jobs involving temporary portable piping have to be completed quickly and on schedule. When it comes to major construction projects, for example, even small delays can add up to significant waste and extra cost. One of the simplest ways to boost job site productivity and streamline processes is to ensure your team has the appropriate tools for the tasks at hand. 

Start by identifying areas in the workflow that are bogging down or causing frustration among your field crew. What tools are they using for routine tasks like connecting and disconnecting portable piping? Do they lose time looking for tools to use? Are those the best tools for the job? 

Our customers have found that equipping their teams with the Warhammer multi-closing tool significantly improves their overall speed and efficiency while reducing the effort required to set up and tear down portable piping. Because the Warhammer works with both Bauer and Anfor (A-Type) connections, your crew can put it to use in all kinds of projects, helping them get more done in less time. 

#2: Minimize injury 

No matter how fast-paced the project may be, there’s nothing more important than safety. But all too often, avoidable job site injuries occur when corners are cut. Using tools in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose is dangerous and could harm the worker using that tool or others nearby. Improper tools can also lead to pain, fatigue and overuse injuries by requiring an awkward posture or excessive force to complete a task. To put it simply, anytime a worker uses a tool that’s not designed for its intended task, it creates a safety risk on site. 

Keep your crew safe and reduce the risk of injury by ensuring they have access to equipment that minimizes everyday stress and strain — like the Wolf Creek Warhammer. We specifically designed this tool to make it easier and safer than ever to connect and disconnect portable piping anywhere in the field. 

Watch our quick how-to video to see how the Warhammer makes it possible to open Bauer and Anfor connections with very little leverage or effort whatsoever, enabling your team to set up and disassemble portable piping quickly and with ease. 

#3: Prevent equipment damage

Not only can the wrong tools injure your workers, but they can also damage your equipment and materials. Dents, dings and broken products all come with associated waste and costs that can slow down your project and overrun your budget. To stay efficient and competitive, don’t settle for anything less than the right tools for the job! 

The Warhammer was custom-made to be compatible with various sizes of both Bauer and Anhor connections. For true Genuine Bauer 4–8-inch fittings and only A-Type 10-inch fittings, slide the sleeve end of the Warhammer over the lever to open the fitting. For all 10–12-inch B-type fittings, use the machine-forked end of the Warhammer to lift the lever and close the fitting. For 12-inch A-type fittings, the Warhammer has a pegged end by the sleeve that slides directly into the fitting to pry it open easily. 

Make Life Easier with the Warhammer 

Put the Warhammer to work for your next portable piping project and see how it can help boost productivity, minimize injury and keep your team moving forward. The Warhammer can only be found here, at Wolf Creek Portable Piping Products. We have plenty in stock, ready to ship out directly to you! 

Questions? Our helpful team of portable piping experts is always here to guide you through the process and find the right solutions for your needs. Contact us today.