How did the piping cross the road? It used Wolf Creek’s road crossings!
Whether it’s for a sanitary sewer bypass project, water pipeline rehabilitation, underground mining, hydraulic fracking, or construction site dewatering, there are many times when a temporary piping system is needed to transfer liquids across busy streets, drive lanes, and vehicle paths. Such projects can be complicated enough without the added challenge of minimizing the impact on vehicle and pedestrian access.

At Wolf Creek Portable Piping, we understand the complexity of these job applications. That’s why we developed our Wolf Creek road crossings, designed to keep your piping systems — and traffic — flowing smoothly.
Do you need a temporary road ramp or road deck solution for an upcoming piping project? Read on to learn about the benefits of Wolf Creek’s road crossings:
Strength and durability
Projects involving the transfer of fluids across roadways demand pipeline road crossing solutions that are proven to get the job done safely, productively, and effectively. That’s why Wolf Creek’s road crossings are fabricated from raw ¼-inch steel, providing the strength and durability needed to accommodate vehicle access over a pipeline in industrial, commercial, and residential areas. Each road crossing is constructed to exact specifications and engineered specification are available upon request.

Our road crossings act as a piping road ramp or road deck, requiring full ground contact in the tire zone and allowing for a working pressure of up to 200 PSI. We estimate the flow rate on the crossing to be up to 750 gallons per minute (GPM) for the 8–inch road crossing and up to 1000 GPM for the 12-inch version, based on an average velocity of 5 feet per second. When you need reliability and performance, look no further than Wolf Creek!

Wolf Creek’s pipeline road crossings are designed with longevity and versatility in mind to ensure our customers get the most value from their investment. They can be used for a broad range of applications, with the ability to handle everything from potable water to sanitary sewer waste and oil and gas. After a portable piping project is completed, our road crossings can be easily disassembled, stacked, and stored for future use. We even use a protective primer coating on all our road crossings to protect the steel material against degradation and corrosion while in outdoor storage.
Because Wolf Creek is headquartered at the “crossroads of America” near Dayton, Ohio, we can conveniently transport our road crossings and other portable piping products around the county. Whenever and wherever you need road crossings for a portable piping project, we have you covered!

Custom Options
Wolf Creek regularly carries and stocks road crossings in 12 and 24-foot lengths, with the option for eight and 12-inch flanges to suit a wide variety of temporary piping projects. Plus, with our on-site welding capabilities, Wolf Creek can also fabricate steel road crossings for your unique piping job needs. We’ve even custom-built a massive 18-inch flange by 30-foot wide road crossing for a customer! It’s all a part of our commitment to making your life easier.
Keep Your Jobs Moving Forward with Wolf Creek’s Road Crossings!
Your next temporary piping project is too important to be slowed down by traffic complications. If you’re looking for piping road ramps or road decks, choose the right solution from the start with Wolf Creek’s road crossings!
Wolf Creek has the proven products, expertise, and superior customer service to help you tackle temporary piping projects of any type and size with ease. Whether you need help developing a custom road crossing or portable piping solution, or just some advice on how to do the job right, right now, we’re ready to help. Get in touch with our friendly team of portable piping experts today!