Spring is in the air, and in many parts of the United States, it’s the busiest season for construction projects of all types. But despite the benefits of warmer weather and increased daylight hours, spring still poses challenges for the construction industry.
No matter your location, spring almost always means dealing with excess moisture on your job site. If you’re in the midwest, you can expect April showers with heavy rainfall that oversaturates the soil. In low-lying coastal areas, flooding becomes a common risk. Up in the mountains, you’re likely dealing with snowmelt during the spring thaw.
So, what can you do to ensure your job site is prepped for success? Make sure you’re equipped with the best pump strainers for construction dewatering!

Protect Your Pumps with Wolf Creek’s Pump Strainers
Removing excessive standing water and lowering the groundwater table level is a must before any type of construction excavation. This usually involves specialized pump systems that relocate the water safely to another area.
It’s amazing what debris can be uncovered on-site before construction even begins, from nails, lumber scraps, and metal shards to large rocks, trash, and animal remains. The last thing you want is to damage your expensive pump with these unwanted materials while moving so many gallons of water a day. That’s why it’s so essential to filter out debris with a quality pump strainer!
At Wolf Creek Portable Piping, we have a wide range of strainers to suit any application, suction or discharge. All of our strainers are fabricated and galvanized with durability in mind, available with both A-type (Anfor) and By-type fittings in a variety of sizes to fit any pump.
Here’s a quick overview of our most popular strainer types:

Low-Profile Genuine Bauer Strainers
At Wolf Creek, our top-selling strainer is a large-hole pump strainer from Genuine Bauer. We often call these pancake strainers due to their flat, low-profile design. Wolf Creek has well over 100 of these strainers in stock in 4, 6, and 8-inch sizes. With the industry’s best fitting — True Genuine Bauer — these strainers attach to your pump with a reliable, leak-proof connection.

Heavy-Duty Bar Strainers
Our bar strainers are fabricated in-house for larger-scale projects with larger-scale debris. With a thicker gauge, these bar strainers are designed to withstand the rigors of any tough construction site.

Small-Hole strainers
We also offer small-hole strainers designed to keep finer particles from entering the pump while dewatering. These are intended for slurry agricultural and farming applications where there may not be much large debris to deal with, but you still need to filter out small solids like pebbles and organic matter.

Hunnebucket Inline Pump Strainer
When you need a large screen or basket strainer to protect your pump, look no further than Wolf Creek’s Hunnebucket inline pump strainer. We like to call it an “insurance policy” for your valuable pump investment! While the Hunnebucket is a go-to for sewer bypass applications, it’s also an effective way to protect pumps during construction dewatering.
The Hunnebucket screens and traps debris in the intake side, allowing non-contaminated fluid to flow through the discharge side. It features a top-facing viewport with a notched lid so you can quickly and easily empty the basket when it’s full. Available in 6, 8, and 12-inch sizes, there’s a Hunnebucket suction strainer to fit your needs!
Custom Pump Strainers for Unique Projects
Don’t see the pump strainer you need in our catalog? Ask about Wolf Creek’s custom fabrication capabilities! With our in-house welding expertise, we can create custom pump strainers built to your specifications. If you have a unique request, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d love to work with you to create the perfect solution for your pump system.
Protect Your Pumps Today!
As major construction dewatering projects begin this spring, don’t leave your pumps vulnerable to harmful debris contamination. Protect them from the start with Wolf Creek’s pump suction strainers as your first line of defense!
With an extensive product mix, custom fabrication capabilities, and one of the largest inventories of true Genuine Bauer fittings in North America, Wolf Creek has the compatible pump strainers you’re looking for.
Browse our complete catalog or contact us with your product and application questions. We’re here to make your life easier!